We proudly introduce two new options for mounting your stereo slides: easy to use self-stick cardboard mounts, and improved heat seal cardboard mounts!Free bonus!! (an RMM exclusive!) Our boxes of 5P-N self-stick and heat seal mounts include a free bonus: four XRH (extra reduced height) mounts. Give them a try and see how they can "save" an image that might otherwise be ruined by distracting elements, too much sky, someone's head in the foreground, ground objects that were too close to the camera, etc.!
Features common to both styles
- Alignment register for mounting quickly and accurately — Both styles of the new R- format (41 x 101) mounts use a "register" (picture) to help align the film chips in the mounts. Here's how easy it is: First place the film chips (face down*) into the two "film well" cutouts. Then push the film chips against the top or bottom edge of the film well to set the vertical alignment. The film well cutouts are wider than the standard width of a Realist-format (5P) image, allowing full control of the stereo window by simply sliding the chips left or right. Secure each chip with magic tape, Mylar® tape (recommended), Wess tabs, glue, or adhesive of your choice. Quick and easy alignment with no jig, no transfer, and no raised tabs getting in the way of setting the stereo window!
* If you are new to stereo slide mounting, see "An Illustrated Guide to Stereo Slide Mounting" in our free 3D Encyclopedia. Be sure to see Section 3.2, "Placing the film chips in the mount" for an explanation of the "face down" placement technique required to properly mount in most stereo mounts.
High quality card stock—fewer distracting "fuzzies" than some other cardboard mounts.
Special inside layer—medium grey inside layer is film-friendly (pH neutral) and provides improved opacity (light-blocking) compared to other mounts. No more "light halos" around your images!
Spotting dot—printed in the correct location (lower left corner as oriented for hand viewing), making the mounting process even faster and more convenient! No more red dot labels that dry out and drop off, no more scribbling an ink dot on mount after mount!
Conveniently packaged—Handy reclosable boxes, 60 mounts per box. Most American format (5P) stereo cameras produce 29 image pairs per 36 exposure roll of film. Instead of guesstimating how many hundreds you need, simply order one box of mounts per two rolls of film!
Multiple aperture sizes—Realist format (5P) and extra-reduced height (XRH) sizes are available now, with more sizes under development. The XRH mounts are useful for images from twin half-frame cameras (e.g., Yashica Samurai), or images made with horizontal format "beamsplitter" devices (e.g., Tri-Delta). They are also wonderful for "extra" vertical cropping (compared to our 5P-RH precision mounts) of 5P and wider images. The 16x22 size results in an aspect ratio similar to that of "extra wide" (23x31.5) stereo mounts!
Self-stick mounts
To finish the self-stick mount, peel off the release paper to reveal the adhesive, fold, and press closed. For a quick-and-easy solid seal, place a heavy weight on top of the mounted slide while you work on the next image. What could be easier?! (Certainly not ironing the mount shut while gingerly trying to avoid melting your film with the heat of an iron!)
Our self-stick mounts are a good choice for cost-savings when you are ready to move up from slip-in mounts. Although not reusable once sealed, they are attractively priced at less than 1/2 the cost of the Pegco slip-in mounts.
Stock # Apertures
(W x H)Price Weight 5P-N-SS 23 x 21.3 $7.50 / box (60) 0.52 lb XRH-SS 16 x 22 $4 / box (30) 0.3 lb
Heat seal mountsHeat seal mounts require a tacking iron, regular iron, laminator, or special-purpose mount sealing machine to seal.
While similar in some respects to other heat seal stereo mounts, our new mounts offer several advantages. As described above, they have a "register" (picture) instead of raised tabs to aid chip alignment. In addition to easier control of the stereo window, the register system eliminates the substantial light leakage through the tabs of other heat seal mounts. The heat seal material of this mount surrounds the film chip but does not touch it. That makes remounting an image (e.g., in an RBT mount for projection, or after removing a film chip for scanning or duping) significantly easier. The pre-printed spotting dot eliminates the confusing situation as to which is the "front" side of other heat seal mounts.
Stock # Apertures
(W x H)Price Weight 5P-N-HS 23 x 21.3 $6.00 / box (60) 0.52 lb XRH-HS 16 x 22 $4.00 / box (30) 0.3 lb Volume pricing is also available on our new 5-perf mounts.
We carry a wide variety of other stereo mounts, too!
Rocky Mountain
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